Jeriod Turner, 07年

Certified Financial Planner at Benson Financial Group in 汉尼拔, MO

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Please describe your position 和 what you enjoy most about it.

We get to help people achieve their financial goals including saving for retirement, 退休, 和, 留下遗产. We have the opportunity to work with a lot of great clients who make every day a joy. We have the opportunity help them make important financial decisions through education 和 it is very rewarding to see them align their values with their finances.

What aspects of your HLGU experience helped you prepare for your career?

HLGU helped equip me with financial knowledge as well as the ability to find out information that I do not currently know.

What have you enjoyed most about your career?


Have you or are you currently continuing your education? If so, please list the institution(s) 和 degree(s) you earned or are working toward.

After HLGU I went on to receive my MBA from Auburn University. A few years ago, I received an industry designation of Certified Financial Planner.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

Helping different individuals go through very difficult aspects of life. It might be helping a widow whose spouse recently passed away sift through their finances 和 put everything back together.

What HLGU professors played a part in your success? How did your relationship with faculty help you succeed?

At HLGU the faculty pushed me to learn more 和 equipped me to be able to continue learning.

Do you have any tips to share with students interested in this field?

Things are constantly changing, so you have to be constantly learning. You can learn something from everything 和 you have to be always staying up to date.

HLGU的座右铭是“知识服务”.” What roles have these values played in your life?

I am in a service industry that uses our knowledge to help clients so I see this every day in our industry.

What is one thing you know now that you wish you’d known when you started in the field?

You do not have to know everything when you graduate, but you have to be willing to learn. College is just the beginning of learning, not the end.



Certified Behavioral Financial Advisor (BFA)
FINRA Series 7 和 NASAA 66 Securities License

Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mark Twain Area, Advisory Board
Jeriod is a 注册理财规划师TM professional. He is an Army Veteran of eight years, serving two tours in the Middle East. Jeriod worked in the banking industry for over ten years before entering the financial services profession.

Born 和 raised in Bevier, 密苏里州, Jeriod 和 his family have resided in 汉尼拔 since 2005. Jeriod的爱好包括跑步, 打高尔夫球, 阅读, 与家人共度时光, 并追随他最喜欢的运动队. Jeriod 和 his wife, Leah, live in 汉尼拔, MO, with their three children.